
How to experience deeper pleasure states- Slow down and tune in...

How to experience deeper pleasure states- Slow down and tune in...

Slow down and tune in for internal pleasure states

The over exerting masculine

If more men slowed down and tuned in during sex, so many more women would be experiencing internal orgasms with them,

It lies in our hands as women- to firstly tune into ourselves, and secondly teach them how to slow down and tune into us.

Believe me, they want us to...

Female submission 

The compounding issue that women have faced is that we have had a pervasive subcultural messaging that women's wants and needs are in some way secondary in importance to a man's, particularly when it...

How to self pleasure like a boss Part 2 - Tuning into the Mind-Body dialogue

How to self pleasure like a boss Part 2 - Tuning into the Mind-Body dialogue

Reclaiming your Yoni

In this modern Western world many of us women from a young age were conditioned to be dissociated from, and ashamed of our bodies, our emotional natures, and our yoni.

Contrary to boys and men, who seem to have been socialised to carry an element of "penis pride"

Women have been taught to ignore their yoni,

Let's just think about this for a minute?

This power centre of yours, this source of creation, feeling, intuition, knowing and pleasure.

This part of you that is so core and deep and true to YOU, this part that communicates your innermost...

How to self pleasure like a boss - Part 1. The Yoni-verse

How to self pleasure like a boss - Part 1. The Yoni-verse

The nature of the Yoni-verse

Ah Pleasure...that magical substance that we all want more of...

But what is pleasure? I would suggest that it is the essence of life itself. 

Pure vitality

Pure consciousness

Joy is our true nature

Yet, most of us carry layers of unhealed trauma and tension which impedes our ability to feel deep pleasure and reach deep states of joy,

Unhealed trauma can cause dissociation from the physical,

Which is the opposite of embodiment.

It prevents us from living in a way that is cohesive...

How to clear a few thousand years of tension

How to clear a few thousand years of tension

All matters of energy, pleasure and living...CONTRACTION VS EXPANSION

I recoil when I hear the words "yoni eggs for a strong, tight vagina, or, the suggestion that a tight sexual centre equals more pleasure,

While Yoni eggs provide resistance for use with Kegels, if you do need to tone- there is in fact an entire world of lesser known benefits. 

Tight often equals tense,

Tight equals restriction and contraction,

Which is the opposite of flow...

Lack of flow leads to built up tension in...

Unravelling the mystery of sexual healing. An energy healer's view

Unravelling the mystery of sexual healing. An energy healer's view

Where it all began...

When I decided to create an online business and I settled on these beautiful sacred sexuality yoni eggs and yoni wands, I didn't realise how much I actually needed them in my life. I myself epitomised my ideal client demographic.

I've been using the yoni egg for about 3 years now, for the purpose of healing, resensitizing and rewiring my body for deeper states of pleasure and wellness. 

All of my life I carried deep...